The Premier Myopia Control & Keratoconus Management Center 


What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that causes the cornea to thin and bulge out like a cone. The cornea is the front surface of the eye and serves as a clear window that focuses light onto the back of the eye allowing us to see clearly. As keratoconus progresses and the cornea changes shape, light rays are no longer in focus causing symptoms of blurry vision, glare, and distortion. Keratoconus usually affects both eyes and generally begins to fist affect vision around ages 10 to 25.

How do I know if I have keratoconus?

Symptoms of keratoconus include blurry vision even with updated glasses, glare and halos around lights (especially while driving at night), and distorted vision. Other signs include a large change in your glasses prescription and fluctuating vision. The diagnosis of keratoconus is made through corneal topography that is done in office. Corneal topography maps the front of the eye showing any irregularities and changes in shape.

I have keratoconus. What should I be doing?

All patients with keratoconus should have an annual eye exam with corneal topography. Since keratoconus is a progressive condition, it needs to be monitored closely for changes. Depending on the severity of your condition, it may be recommended to be monitored more frequently. It is important to monitor keratoconus because treatment options are available to help slow down the progression of keratoconus. Unfortunately there are no treatments available at this time to reverse the condition.

It is also very important to avoid eye rubbing as that can make the condition worse. If you are experiencing itchy eyes due to dry eyes or allergies, it is advised to bring that up to your optometrist so that they treat the underlying condition rather than rubbing your eyes.

How do I correct my vision?

In the early stages of keratoconus, it is possible to correct vision using glasses and soft contact lenses. As the condition worsens, glasses and soft lenses will not be effective. At this point it is recommended that patients are fit in rigid gas permeable contact lenses or scleral lenses to obtain best possible vision.
LASIK and other vision-correcting surgeries are NOT recommended for patients with keratoconus. These surgeries can make the condition significantly worse.

How do specialty contact lenses differ from soft lenses?

Soft contact lenses bend and mold to the shape of your eyes and it’s irregular front surface. Soft lenses will have a minimal effect on improving your vision compared to glasses. Unlike glasses and soft contact lenses, specialty lenses create a smooth front surface that acts as a new cornea and allows for normal vision. Scleral contact lenses are the preferred lens choice for keratoconus treatment to provide a clearer stable vision. Scleral contact lens is more comfortable than gas permeable lenses because they rest on the less sensitive surface of the eye, the sclera. They don't move excessively with each blink, providing a crisp, clear vision. The lens is filled with preservative-free fluid provides the cornea with moisture throughout the day, eliminating dry eyes. The added benefit of a scleral lens is managing symptoms of dry eyes, light sensitivity, and cloudy vision. Most patients with keratoconus can achieve vision that is 20/25 or better with speciality lenses.

How do I know what contact lens option is best for me?

After a careful and thorough evaluation of your eyes, our optometrists will make contact lens recommendations to fit your needs. Things that will be taken into account include severity of the condition, your lifestyle, and vision goals. We will discuss all options with you before moving forward with the fitting process.

What can I expect from the fitting process?

Specialty contact lenses are made to fit your eyes. Each pair of contact lenses is unique and made-to-order to fit your eyes perfectly. During the first fitting visit, we put a pair of specialty contact lenses on your eyes to determine the shape, depth, and prescription needed to best correct your vision and provide optimal comfort. The lenses will then be ordered and you will have a follow up appointment when they arrive. During this visit, we will teach you how to apply and remove the lens safely and provide you lens care instructions. Depending on the severity of your condition, there may be 1-5 more follow up visits. We take extra care and time to make sure you are fitted with the best lens and clear vision.  The follow up visits are there to ensure that the lenses both preserve the health of your eyes and provide you the best possible vision.


Are specialty lenses safe for the eye?

Scleral and rigid gas permeable lenses are FDA approved for keratoconus and normal eyes. The lens materials used by our office are more oxygen permeable and have a lower risk of infection than the majority of soft lenses on the market. Lens hygiene and cleaning are going to play a major role in maintaining the health of your eyes just like they do with any contact lens.

Does my insurance cover specialty lens fitting?

Many insurances will annually cover the cost of the fitting and lenses. If you have any questions about the coverage provided by your insurance plan, please give our office a call and we are happy to check on your behalf.

We are operating by appointments only. Please call ahead of time to schedule your appointment.  

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7217 Reseda Blvd.

Reseda, CA 91335


Office Hours

Monday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Tuesday: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm

Wednesday - Thursday :  9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Friday: 8:30 am- 5:00 pm

Closed : Saturday, Sunday

Holidays Hours: Closed on New Year's day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas eve and Christmas day.